How to Stop Hair Fall and Get Thicker Hair

Hair is a natural ornament creating beauty and enhancing good personality. Both women and men want to have beautiful, thick, soft and smooth hair. Many people face hair fall and hair loss problems which destroy confidence and personality. The factors that affect hair growth include hair root and scalp. The solutions for hair fall and hair root start with nourishing hair root and scalp which we can simply do that on our own.

1. Consume 5 basic food groups

Focus on high-protein food such as fish, soybean, tofu, as protein is an essential nutrient for hair. We should consume about 46 grams of protein or 20-30% of all daily nutrients. Drink enough water, avoid food containing monosodium glutamate or flavor enhancer, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Don’t lose weight with fasting but choose proper meal proportions.

2. Consume food rich in Biotin to boost hair growth

Biotin is also known as Vitamin H, helps burning fat and builds amino acids as a unit of protein. Hair begins growing from a root in the bottom of the follicle and the main component of hair is protein. Therefore, we should consume protein-rich food and complement it with Biotin as it will enhance the body to use protein to grow hair cells more effectively. Take 30 mg Biotin per day which can be purchased at the general drugstore. Alternatively, you may consume Biotin-rich foods such as almond, walnut, egg yolk, milk and cheese, pork and liver, salmon and sardine, and avocado.

3. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow throughout the body


4.  Massage your hair

With your fingertips regularly to increase blood circulation over the head. Avoid being stressed and calm your mind to help to balance body hormones naturally. Hormone balance has an essential role in hair growth.

5. Bend your head down

And massage your head lightly for 5 minutes per day. Do that regularly every day. In that way, your hair root gets full and essential nutrients from blood flow.

6. Wash your hair properly 

And only once per day. Do not scratch or rub your hair harshly to avoid hair infection. While washing, use your fingertips to gently massage your hair in a circular motion. That helps to protect your hair and scalp and also boosting the blood circulation system.

7. Wash your hair with cold water 

Which is water at room temperature. Warm or hot water dries your hair and scalp; hair gets split ends, becomes weak and hair fall occurs before time. Coldwater retains hair moisture, hair is shiny and healthy so hair fall will rarely occur.

8. Minimize the use of a hair dryer 

Or hair straightener because when heat is transferred to the hair, it can damage hair's internal structure. Your hair will be brittle and easily fallen out.

9. Don’t tie and braid your hair tightly

Or wear the hair in a bun for too long as those hairstyles will weaken your scalp.

10. Put coconut oil through your hair and scalp

Leave it for 30 minutes and then shampoo your hair. Do that once or twice a week. Coconut oil stimulates and regrows hair as nutrients will absorb in follicles and hair roots. Coconut oil keeps protein and penetrates the hair so you will have healthy hair without dandruff.

11.After washing your hair

Let it dry before going to bed. Sleeping while your hair is partly wet will affect scalp health. Your hair will have an unpleasant smell and hair fall may occur.

With all those simple tips, you can reduce the risk of hair fall, your scalp is getting healthy and your hair will be smooth and thicker. Anyway, natural ways may take time until you see the outcome. If you have serious hair problems and need quick remedies, you probably have to rely on advanced medical treatment such as Laser Meso Hair which focuses on hair root restoration to stop hair fall from the root cause. That treatment combines Laser Hair Growth technology with Meso Therapy which is prevailing in Europe and America and is recognized as the best top ten medical technology. This technology will directly deliver moisturizing treatment to the hair roots, add nutrients to the hair to restore hair roots,s and regrow hair naturally. A low-level laser increases treatment performance, and the circulation of blood and head lymph nodes can function better.

Hair Stem is another treatment that stimulates the progenitor cells under the hair gland to regrow hair by taking few drops of blood from the patient and then passing them through advanced Bio-Technology to trigger a large number of growth factors. After that, injecting that fluid into hair root to repair its cells, stimulate progenitor cells to produce stem cells for regrowing hair. This technology helps speed up hair growth, your hair will be thicker and healthy.

Those two medical treatments cost over ten thousand baht which is quite expensive. If you don’t feel well, lack confidence, and want to solve your hair problem urgently, SCB is pleased to offer you SCB UP Loan. For more detail, please visit
