Know yourself better to improve your work and personal life through 8 free online personality tests

You should come to know yourself first. Then there may be aspects that even you don't know yourself well enough. A personality quiz is another great tool that helps you discover some of your hidden corners. Or may not have noticed these things before. To truly understand yourself is not easy. And although the personality test may not be able to tell 100% the identity of the test taker correctly, it is a starting point to notice and understand themselves more. It can help reflect the psychological foundations expressed in behavior, socialization, and problem-response methods. Or even say why some events decide to do something. Able to tell which type of person you get along well with or what kind of person is always frustrating you. So that you can adapt and deal with people with opposite personality traits properly. Which is beneficial in both personal and professional life. There are online personality tests that you can enter and receive free test results. In this article, we will introduce three main groups of online personality tests: Myers-Brigg Personality Tests, Disc Personality Tests, and Emotional Intelligence Tests.

First group Myers-Brigg Personality Tests

Myers-Briggs is a widely respected and popular personality assessment tool -- first used in the 1940s, the test was developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers. Initially inspired by Jung’s personality theory, the Myers-Briggs test conveniently separates people into 16 categories of personalities, providing each person with a four-letter acronym.

The following four tests are broad-stroke indicators of who you are, using inspiration from Myers-Briggs. Among other things, the tests cover your communication styles, your strengths, and your weaknesses, your desires and ambitions, how you see the world, and how people perceive you.

If you’ve never taken a test based on Carl Gustav Jung’s psychological traits, or Myers-Briggs’ 16 categories of personalities, I’d suggest you take at least one of these. You’ll be surprised by the accuracy of some of the statements, and more importantly, you could gain insight into how your behavior is perceived by others, helping you improve both professional and personal relationships.

1. 16 Personalities

16 Personalities covers five broad personality aspects: mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity. The test is based on Carl Gustav Jung’s study of psychological traits (e.g. extroversion vs. introversion) and the Myers-Briggs test, two popular personality theories meant to determine an extensive overview of who you are. Among other things, the test will cover how you communicate and relate to others -- both professionally and personally -- what you value and strive for, and how you make decisions. 16 Personalities has been taken over 126 million times and is available in 30 languages.


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Personality Perfect

Similar to 16 Personalities, Personality Perfect is also based on Jung’s and Myers-Briggs’ personality theories, and uses four broad categories -- extraversion vs. introversion, sensing, and intuition, thinking and feeling, and judging and perceiving -- to compile a four-letter abbreviation of your personality type (e.g. “INFP”). The test provides a broad overview of how you connect with others, how you behave, and, perhaps most surprising, how you’re likely seen by others.

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Test Color, a test validated by a team of clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, and mathematicians, asks you just two questions: “Click on the colors you like most,” and “Click on the colors you like least.” Test Color tells you about your emotional intelligence, your creativity and imagination, your social skills, and your work style, including organization and management styles. I found it to be surprisingly accurate: in two questions, it nailed how I communicate with others and how I act in group settings.

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Second Group Disc Personality Tests

The DISC assessment determines where you lie on four DISC factors: dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance. DISC is one of the most popular and authoritative career assessments out there, and many companies encourage their employees to take it.

Undoubtedly, personality affects our career ambitions, as well as how we perform in different workplace environments. If you’re particularly extraverted, maybe you’ve chosen a career path that enables you to work daily with large groups of people. If you have certain communication styles that rely on passivity and emotion, perhaps your boss’s direct statements sometimes offend you. Arming yourself with a sense of self-awareness could help you find your optimal career path, foster better work relationships, and mitigate work conflict more effectively. Here are four career-focused tests to help you achieve higher work satisfaction

1. Crystal

Crystal provides a free DISC assessment, which tells you (among other things) how your personality fits into your work environment, who you work well with, who you might have a conflict with, how you perceive other’s behaviors, and how other’s perceive yours. The test helps you understand how your own personality biases you towards certain colleagues (i.e. your personality might take another coworker’s comments offensively, while the coworker just believes in being direct), which could strengthen your work relationships. 

2. 123Test

123Test offers a DISC personality test you can take in five minutes, so there’s really no excuses. You’ll get a score to find out which DISC factors predict your behaviors towards other people. The test offers critical information for understanding why you might get along better with one employee and have more conflict with another. It identifies how you perceive other people’s actions (i.e. “You’re sensitive to her blunt nature, even though she believes she’s just being straightforward”), which can help you improve work relationships.


This test asks 38 multiple-choice questions to analyze your skills, working style, and even your ideal employer. test, developed by top PhDs, offers your insight into your strengths and weaknesses and even suggests careers best suited for your personality. If you’re happy with your current career track, the test provides suggestions for specific skills you could learn to get ahead in your career.

Do the test here

Third Group Emotional Intelligence Tests

Psychology Today defines emotional intelligence as, “the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” Arguably, having emotional intelligence is the most important factor in dealing with conflict and communicating with others. It’s undeniable that emotional intelligence is important -- in fact, research has shown success is 80-90% attributable to emotional intelligence (EI), and only 10-20% to your IQ

.1. Berkeley Emotional Intelligence

This test, designed by Berkeley, shows you 20 pictures and asks you to recognize the facial expression on each person’s face. It’s easy, quick, and fun, and an informative way to learn how well you read other people’s emotions -- which is a critical skill for assessing and mitigating conflict.

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Empathy Quotient

Unlike the tests above, this one is designed to clinically assess you -- the test was developed by Simon Baron-Cohen at the Autism Research Center at the University of Cambridge and uses the same emotional measurements mental health professionals use to diagnose social impairment. It’s a 60-item questionnaire and is suitable to measure “temperamental empathy” in adults.

Do the test at

When we look in the mirror, we can only see the outside image of ourselves. But doing a psychological test can reflect the inside of our mind. When we understand and know our own thoughts as well as understand others Know how to please him and pay attention to us It will make living together or working together more smoothly and happier.

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