A simple Zen way to relieve stress both physically and mentally

In today's world that is connected to each other with advanced technology, social media growth helps people gain a lot of information from around the world. Comparisons arise, cravings, anxiety, and fear arise. Especially in one of the world's long-lasting major crises like the COVID-19 outbreak, many people have been negatively affected, accumulated stress. Today we have a simple Zen method that will help both our body and mind to relax from stress.

ZAZEN Meditation is a method for healing the body and mind, help calm the mind and reduce stress in a simple way. It guarantees that it's easier than you think because ZAZEN uses a simple method of exercise and mental exercise. But it is the basis for relaxation and peace of mind and body.


Step 1 Find a comfortable chair and sat relaxed on the edge of the chair put your feet on the floor. Both knees are about hip-width apart, balance with both feet, hands placed on the front of both legs. Let the upper body relax. After that, the movement of the body will begin.

Step 2 Slowly move the upper body from the waist up to the head, sway left and right front and back, gently rock the body at a comfortable pace. The tension in your upper body will gradually disappear and you will begin to relax. Your body will adjust itself to find the most comfortable rocking rhythm.

Step 3. While moving the body, imagine yourself as a tree, a plant, or a flower. Think of your feet on the ground as the roots of a tree, flowers in the soil, and the upper body is the trunk. Further imagining that there was a faint wind, blow through you Keep moving your body until the wind blowing through it stops Imagination makes our minds see images in our heads more clearly.

Step 4. Start doing ZAZEN. Place your right hand on top of your left hand. both palms facing up Then bring the thumbs of both hands together, bend your chin down, and lower your head halfway. His eyes looked at the palms of both hands. They may squint slightly or close their eyes if desired. Exhale through the nose 3-4 times, focusing on the exhaling breath. Don't force your mind to stop thinking. accept the mind that has not yet stopped and wait for the thoughts in your head to disappear by themselves. Just 2-3 minutes to do ZAZEN will help calm the mind and body. It's a way to control your mind from craving and anger and gain a deeper understanding of your own state of mind.

Step 5: Use both hands to gently pull both ears away from the head, then exhale. Inhale as you loosen the pull and bring the ears back to the original spot. Repeat 4-5 more times, changing points. pull on the ear from the top They come in the middle and the lower part of the earlobe, alternating. The key to this practice is to relax your body and mind and focus on ear pulling and breathing. This will help you understand the image of your face and calm your mood.

During these difficult times, many people experience anxiety, stress, and pessimism. This simple method can help your body relax. When your body is relaxed, you will know that your mind will relax accordingly. Wishing everyone good health and peace of mind. If financial problems are one of the things that stress you out, SCB has a simple solution. with UP Loan, you can easily apply for a loan by yourself via SCB EASY App.


