Awaken the new normal wave wave leader skills Awaken the New Normal wave leader skill

New Normal is a new challenge that organizational leaders must organize their troops to be able to move forward. Any organization, if leaders have a vision, see-through opportunities during uncertainty. Would be like having a business compass to walk right that does not get lost. What should organizational leaders’ study? Are there any qualities that will break through the trends of the New Normal era? SCB in collaboration with the National Innovation Agency Organized training in the NIA- SCB Innovation-Based Enterprise (IBE) course, Class 2, for SME entrepreneurs to create a new generation of leaders capable of leading businesses to counter the New Normal trend. Khun Apiwut Pimolsaengsuriya, Founding Partner of SLINGSHOT Company, shared the global and Thai trends after the COVID crisis. The success component of an organization and what skills do leaders need to survive the business?


Global Trend - What will happen to Thailand after COVID?

Apiwut said Many people might think that after the coronavirus, if there was a vaccine, everything would be back to how it was. The business will continue as it used to be. But in truth there is no way to go back to the same. For executives, it is important to know what New Normal will be to guide the vision and direction of the organization. And when asked what when talking about New Normal, some people might say it is Masking Sell ​​stuff online the economic crisis will occur. Using robots to replace workers from workers Work from Home What is New Normal?

So as not to be confused about what will happen in the world after COVID. I would like to bring one tool to introduce to the executives, called Future Platform. Which is a combination of research studies with AI to find various phenomena That will happen as living research due to updated data from real-time. This research is called The World Radar after Covid. To show the phenomena that will happen after the COVID ends, it is called Future Radar. There is a way to look at this example.

1. The periphery refers to things that have not yet happened but will happen within the next 1-2 years. 2. Point near the center means Something that has already happened or will soon happen. Each color has a different meaning: Green dots mean very high probability, Blue dots mean signs of occurrence, but this phenomenon can disappear, and red dots mean uncertain. That this phenomenon will happen or not. But if that happens, it will have a serious impact. This Future Radar would like executives to try this tool to see what changes or trends in the post-COVID world are going on. Anything that will affect our business will be used as a guideline for adjustment. Business or deal with something that will happen soon. Able to see world trends at

From the Global Trend after COVID, there will be 50-60 phenomena and some events that may not be related to Thailand at all. Therefore, to delve deeper, there was a survey of 300 Thai executives that from the Global Trend that took place, choose the top 10, predicted that such phenomena will affect Thailand consist of 10 phenomena. As follows

  • Top 10 geopolitics will change. (Geopolitical Impacts) Prosperity will shift from the west side to the east side. Because COVID has greatly destroyed the American economy Asian countries will come to the fore, including China, India, and Indonesia. And from the moment the yuan will become the world's major currency.

  • Rank 9: Trading and in-store service (Offline) is still available (Retail in Brick & Mortar Stores). The offline store will change its format to a showroom so that people who want to buy things can see the real thing first and then return. Go shopping online Because of the fact that people have caught and tried, there are more opportunities to buy the product. Therefore, using Omni-Channel is essential.

  • Rank 8 people will be more interested in health care and diet (Nature and Food as Remedies), resulting in a change in people's lifestyles. People will eat food as medicine rather than medicine for food.

  • rank  7 platform business will grow exponentially (Platform Economy). Today, people use all platforms. When used through a platform, what is data (Data) Therefore, businesses that are more able to use data will win. For example, a supermarket uses Data to analyze that 50% of a receipt with a baby diaper purchase will buy a beer. But while beer-ticket receipts do not include diapers for babies. When seeing that trend the supermarket, therefore, took the beer to sell next to it. Diapers for babies, which do not seem to be related. But it turns out that it has increased beer sales by 30%, so doing business on the platform is interesting because it has Data as a treasure if we can take full advantage of Data.

  • Rank 6 Industrial Revolution 4.0 will be more pronounced (Industrial Revolution 4.0) Technology will play a greater role in our daily life. Workers will be replaced by robots or machines. For example, South Korea's Incheon airport uses robots instead of people to provide information to tourists. Japan uses robots to warn people to wear masks and keep their distance. Japan built the Gatebox robot as a friend for singles or single people.

  • The fifth-largest economy in the world will recession (Collapse of World Economy) According to research, it is expected that after COVID is over, the economic crisis will follow as governments are burdened by the prevention and treatment of COVID on its citizens. Including borrowing huge amounts of money to recover during COVID

  • Rank 4: Need for the Culture for Preparation (Need for the Culture for Preparation), because of the COVID situation, all organizations are alerted to the Business Continuity Plan (BCP), which is a plan to keep businesses running. Can continue continuously without interruption if encountering unusual situations Either from outside or inside

  • Rank 3, there will be more non-encounter encounters. (Telepresence) Doing business without a meeting will be more, such as online doctor search, online health check, online technician, etc.

  • Rank 2 Online Trading will expand Exponential (Online Stores) Online trading will grow exponentially.

  • Rank  1 The model of teaching and learning will change (Teaching & Learning 2.0). In the past, learning was once valid for a lifetime. But now the knowledge set is shorter. Knowledge will expire as soon as you complete your studies because the change is very fast. In the future, schools will not have teachers because children can learn from the Internet. The teacher will switch from an instructor to a Facilitator or a mediator that helps children in the learning process. Systematic thinking to have freedom of thought and able to communicate and understand deeply

that will occur in Thailand. Business executives need to spot the trend to be used as a guideline for planning strategies and creating business opportunities further. And each phenomenon will affect the business according to the industry differently.

Revealing the key factor that the company used to flourish is to fail.

Apiwut further said that in the past 20 years, for example, many mobile companies have closed. It was merged into Motorola, Nokia, NEC, Ericson, and Panasonic. Let's try to figure out what caused these companies to fail. The answer is 1. Internal factors are policy, vision, corporate culture, etc., and 2. External factors are competitors, changing consumer behavior, economic conditions, etc. Both factors can cause business failure as well. The impact is greater than external factors, why?

7 factors for organizational success

I would like you to observe why when there is an economic crisis that is an external factor, only some organizations survive, and some have disappeared. This means that internal factors have a greater impact on how a business will survive or not survive, so here are the seven internal factors that will lead to the success of the organization:

1. Leader Level 5 means a business must have a Leader Level 5 to make the business survive. So, what is a level 5 leader? A level 5 leader must have 3 qualities: A-A-N means a good-dare-cute, good job, good job, dare to change, do something new, and lovable. By the leader, there are 5 levels as follows

  • rank 5 People Leader - good at people management and works
  • rank 4 Performance Management -good at work but not good at handle staff
  • rank 3 Executor - Good at doing but don't have a new idea
  • rank  2 Team Player – works like others in the team
  • rank 1 Solo - Only one people does everything

2. Right People  Meaning not all employees are valuable resources. But only the right employees are the most valuable assets of the organization. In the past, organizations would view the Turnover balance as being high as bad. But now it is viewed from Regret Loss or regretful loss, if there are many, it is considered bad, for example, even if the organization has a turnover amount as high as 30%, if in that amount there is a Regret loss of only 2%, it is good.

3. Focus means businesses must have focus because they have limited resources. You should not do many things; you must know your strengths. Businesses need to know what to do or not to do, for example, Netflix only does movies, series, documentaries. But not doing news and sports

4. Feedback Mechanism Refers to the business must have a mechanism for customers and employees to feedback to the management. The mechanism does not have to be complicated or invested in anything, for example, golf courses have a Caddy Feedback mechanism. There are 3 cans to choose from 1. Smiling face 2. Stupid face 3. Skewed face. Can recognize feedback from customers

5. Culture of Discipline This means businesses tend to waste their time on matters that they agreed but did not do, or things that were disagreed within the meeting room and then didn't speak. Therefore, businesses should create a culture of discipline within the organization. This culture can only be achieved when there are values ​​that have been done over a long time from the behavior of many people People in the organization that do each other

6. Technology to Accelerate Success Means businesses need to find new technologies To drive the organization to success faster and faster

7. Agility This means businesses must be ready to adjust at all times.

The leaders or business executives in the New Normal era must have a vision for change. Follow the latest news and events to make appropriate decisions in difficult and unpredictable situations Including strengthening internal factors to create a sustainable component of success for the organization and can face the New Normal wave that will never go back to the same

NIA- SCB Innovation-Based Enterprise (IBE) Course, Class 2, has a duration of 10 weeks from November 2020 - February 2021. Interested parties can follow the summary of the training content at and

Source: NIA- SCB Innovation-Based Enterprise (IBE) Course, Class 2 by Mr. Apiwut Pimolหaengsuriya Founding Partner, SLINGSHOT Company, December 8, 2020