SCB Let's Do Good for the Environment.

Conserving the environment is a duty for everyone in the world so that the natural resources needed to sustain life are passed on to our children and future generations. Without abundant natural resources and a healthy environment, human beings cannot survive. SCB prioritizes the importance of conserving scarce resources and promoting environmental awareness. We encourage employees to contribute their efforts to help sustain the environment. We emphasize the importance of reducing waste of resources, since this creates economic value and reduces environmental impact. We support recycling and other efforts that help protect the environment .

"SCB, Let's Do Good for the Environment" is a project to raise employees' awareness and volunteer participation in environmental conservation. Each year, more than 3,800 employees take part in environmental efforts such as:

  • Shred to Share Project, a campaign for employees to recycle discarded documents and waste paper, disposing of them in accordance with international standards and recycling them safely to reduce carbon emissions.

  • SCB Need to Quit  to Conserve the Environment , a campaign to raise awareness among employees to change their everyday behavior for the good of their children's future. This means, for example, helping recycle disposable plastic bottles to make reusable water jugs for the drinking water coolers at Bank offices and facilities.

  • Seedling Cultivation to Save Trees  with the Sueb Nakhasathien Foundation , a project enlisting Bank volunteers  to collect seedlings in the forest so that they can be nurtured into strong health before re-planting back in Thailand's Western Forest. Our employee volunteers also learn about how communities around the Forest have learned to sustainably cultivate valuable crops.

  • Beach Cleaning, an activity whereby Bank executives and employees in coastal areas collect garbage and clean up the seaside so that provincial tourist destinations preserve their ecosystems and beautiful scenery.

  • Check Dam Building for Nature Conservation with the Royal Forest Department, an activity that resulted in the construction of nine small check dams in community forests in the Kaeng Krachan District of Petchaburi Province. It is part of a project called "Friends of Community Forests Supporting Reduction of Global Warming," for which the Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the Royal Forest Department, the Greenhouse Gas Management Organization and the local Ban Nam Sap Community Forest Committee.

  • Planting Artificial Reefs , an effort the Bank supports by enlisting clients and partner agencies to help. It involves constructing man-made structures to serve as foundations for coral growth. The structures are sunk undersea in areas where the marine ecosystem has been damaged and needs restoration.