Siam Commercial Bank empowers high school and vocational students with skill-enhancing camps aligned with ESG guidelines in the 18th edition of 'SCB Challenge’, fostering growth of Thai communities


               Siam Commercial Bank recently held the "18th SCB Challenge" competition with the aim of fostering the potential of secondary school and vocational certificate-level youth. The competition is designed to empower young minds to leverage their knowledge in science and technology to craft innovative projects that address community needs and adhere to environmentally friendly and socially sustainable development guidelines (ESG). This collaborative project saw Siam Commercial Bank partnering with the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) to create a workshop series that would fortify students' expertise in science, technology, and project implementation, enabling them to apply their newfound knowledge in their future endeavors and potentially sparking their interest in becoming researchers.

               This year, a total of 183 educational institutions from across the country submitted 401 projects for the competition. After careful consideration, the committee selected 20 projects from 19 educational institutions to participate in an intensive training camp. The camp aimed to hone their project competition skills, preparing them to make a positive impact on Thai communities in alignment with ESG principles by utilizing science and technology. The training camp took place at the Siam Commercial Bank Training Center, located at Tawan Ron Beach, Chonburi. A key goal was to equip youth with the 4C skills: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity, along with Project Management and Design Thinking expertise, imparted by a team of lecturers from Siam Commercial Bank and NECTEC researchers.

               Additionally, the students had the opportunity to present their projects to specialized researchers from NECTEC, who provided valuable guidance and feedback to enhance their projects. Toward the conclusion of the camp activities, a "Reflection" session was held to contemplate the learning experiences and further develop the skills of project counselors from educational institutions as "Facilitators." These newly acquired skills are meant to empower them to lead and create an environment that fosters continued learning for the students they guide.  Following this transformative experience, students are now poised to leverage their newfound knowledge and insights to refine and advance their projects. They will also embark on project implementation in the targeted areas before returning in November to present their project progress once again.