Account Types

SCB savings and current accounts only


Maximum Transaction Limits

Cash Deposits

1-5,000 baht/transaction

Up to 40,000 baht/day/customer


Service Fees




1 - 1,000 Bath 30 Bath
1,001 - 3,000 Bath 50 Bath
3,001 - 4,000 Bath 60 Bath
4,001 - 5,000 Bath 70 Bath

(Fees are subject to change as announced by SCB announcements or posted at TermDee and Singer service points)


Operating Hours

TermDee and Singer vending machines: 24 hours every day

Service Process

1. Cash deposit to SCB accounts

  1. Press the “Deposit” icon.
  2. Select “Deposit to SCB”.
  3. Press “Confirm” to accept the deposit agent terms and conditions.
  4. Enter ID number of the depositor.
  5. Enter telephone number of the depositor
  6. Enter the SCB account number
  7. Enter the deposit amount and press “OK”.
  8. The screen displays deposit details for reviewing and confirming, and press “Next”.
  9. SCB’s banking agent service will send an OTP to the telephone number provided above for confirming the transaction.
  10. Enter the 4-digit OTP.
  11. The screen displays deposit details, and the customer place the deposit money into the machine.
  12. The customer receives an SMS confirmation. 

Contact Channels

Media Center Call Center